5 Short Chance Pieces for Piano

2011 2017 8 minutes
Dedicated to Tomas Dratva
 Aarau, Switzerland

I was delighted to find these pieces recently—quite by chance! Unfortunately I don’t remember any details of how I made them. According to my computer they were written in 2011.

I have dedicated them to my pianist friend Tomas Dratva. See also Pianoversal

Tomas premièred them in Aarau in October 2018. Here are the live recordings from that concert which he kindly agreed to my showing here:

Short Chance Piece 1
Tomas Dratva (Piano)
Short Chance Piece 2
Tomas Dratva (Piano)
Short Chance Piece 3
Tomas Dratva (Piano)
Short Chance Piece 4
Tomas Dratva (Piano)
Short Chance Piece 5
Tomas Dratva (Piano)